Our Mission
We believe the goal of education is to equip students with the skills they need to be successful and happy in life, reach their individual potential, and become contributing members of their communities. Link Education League, a non-profit, was created in 2021 by a group of parents and teachers to offer programs that provide that kind of education.
Our mission is to facilitate programs that provide in-person learning environments with the following:
• Nurture the whole child, respect each child as an individual with agency, promote a growth mindset, and build their character,
• Foster creativity, curiosity, collaboration, critical thinking, communication, and other 21st century skills, and
• Prepare students to be responsible, proactive, and innovative contributors to the world of their future, not our past.
Whole Child Approach:
Our program puts the child, not learning standards or subject matter, at the center of learning. We recognize that academic study is only one kind of knowledge. We know that students who learn how to learn are empowered to succeed in life. We prioritize student agency and responsibility in everything from classroom routines to curriculum and projects covered. We destigmatize and normalize mistakes as a necessary part of learning, prioritizing a growth mindset over achievement.
Skills Over Content Approach:
We no longer live in a world where knowledge is scarce. However, most educational programs focus on knowledge or content. The most valuable education for today’s students is one that focuses on what has been called 21st Century Skills or Durable Skills. These are skills that are highly valuable in the workplaces of today and in the future, but they are also the values that result in a happy, successful life. At Link Education League, we call them Core Skills and Values. The main five are Creativity, Collaboration, Inquiry, Grit, and Responsibility.
Contributing to the Community:
It is not enough to prepare the individual with personal skills. The individual must also learn to implement and apply those skills in the world around them. First, we center learning in and about the world. We cultivate empathy. We make learning practical and tangible through hands-on experiences and projects. As much as possible, we offer real-world learning contexts and service learning opportunities. We start with teaching personal responsibility and then extend that to the world of their classroom and beyond.
Click here to learn more about our programs.