Students enrolled in our programs also participate in an end-of-term Celebration.
Don’t be fooled by the name. Yes, Celebration is a time for students and families to celebrate student learning and creation each term. But it is also a powerful learning opportunity for families and children to experience learning together. Students learn as they share with their families the projects they worked on, the challenges they experienced, as well as what their peers accomplished.
The students’ work is a creative process that takes time to accomplish and we create a place and time for it to be displayed for others to enjoy and admire. This also helps mimic real-life deadlines experienced in the adult world. Often, an adult’s success at work and in life depends on timely and appropriate accomplishments. Holding a celebration at the end of every term gently prepares a student for life after school.
Families and children are invited to participate in Celebrations, especially those from the community who have contributed to the projects and the persons most interested in the success of the student.
The style of celebration differs each term, but the purpose is the same: celebrate, inspire, hold accountable, and give a real-world deadline and audience.

Link Term 1
The Steppe People : October 24, 2024 : Learning Simulation
Link Term 2
JD Rockefeller : November 25, 2024 : Entrepreneur Fair
Link Term 3
The Poles : February 15, 2025
Link Term 4
Celtic Europe : April 26, 2025 : “Curiosity Expo”
Nature Celebration
December 11, 2024